Event Rewind: Duke Alumni Reception at #SETACSacramento 2018!

On Monday, November 5th, the Duke Environment Club of Sacramento joined with the Duke Nicholas Office of Development & Alumni Relations to host a warm welcome reception for Duke alumni attending #SETACSacramento — the 39th North America Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).

SETAC is the international scientific society for academia, industry, and government professionals and students working on environmental pollution and management issues. For the first time ever, the SETAC North America Annual Meeting was held in Sacramento — drawing more than 2,000 scientists, managers, and students from around the world.

A Duke Environment tradition at SETAC North America meetings is a reception for faculty, students, and alumni of the Environmental Health & Toxicology Program — an event the #SacGreenDevils were proud to help host this year!

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Event Rewind: Welcome Recent Duke MEM Arrivals to Sacramento!

On September 26th, the Duke Environment Club of Sacramento hosted a welcome for two recent arrivals to our local alumni community.

We welcomed Megan Murray MEM ’18 and Catherine Campbell ’09 with a cozy gathering at Kupros — coincidentally (approximately) the one-year anniversary of our first-ever gathering of the #SacGreenDevils! Megan Murray joined Stantec this summer as a Water Resources Planner in their Sacramento office , while Catherine Campbell joined Blue Diamond Growers as Sustainability Manager.

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Event Rewind: Sac Green Devils Visit Crocker Art Museum!

On June 9th, the Duke Environment Club of Sacramento enjoyed a wonderfully led tour of the Crocker Art Museum and its California landscapes collection!

Organized by Neil Matouka MEM ’15 and conceived by Matouka and myself over a happy hour planning meeting, the idea was to come up with a fun, social outing for our growing network, but something that could be tied back to our collective interests in environmental science and management. When Neil mentioned he had a connection with the Crocker Art Museum, we immediately thought of the Crocker’s astounding collection of California art — particularly of the state’s changing natural landscapes over the centuries.

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Alumni Profile: Ben Young Landis MEM ’09

Name: Ben Young Landis
Duke Degree: M.E.M. in Environmental Economics and Policy, 2009
Title/Org: Consultant, Creative Externalities
Contact: ben@cr8xt.com

Professional Bio:

Ben Young Landis is a science writer and creative consultant. Through the collective Creative Externalities. he designs lasting impact for science, environment, and society.

Ben received his B.A. in Evolution and Ecology and Minor in Education from UC Davis, and his Duke MEM degree concentrating in environmental economics and policy. He was awarded a AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship in 2009, working at the Orange County Register as a science journalist. Ben also received the NOAA Walter B. Jones Sr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Coastal and Marine Graduate Studies in 2010.

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