Alumni Profile: Kimberly Clements MEM-DEL ’07

Name: Kimberly Clements
Duke Degree: M.E.M. via the Duke Environmental Leadership Program, 2007
Title/Org: Fish Biologist, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Professional Bio:

Kimberly Clements is a fish biologist with the Department of Interior, US Fish and Wildlife Service located in Sacramento, California. She works as a restoration coordinator under the San Joaquin River Restoration Program with the primary goal to restore a population of spring run Chinook salmon along a 150-mile portion of the San Joaquin’s river mainstem from Friant Dam (north of Fresno) downstream to the confluence of the Merced River. She works with local, state, and federal resource agency counterparts as well as landowners and non-government stakeholders to manage river flows, improve volitional passage for fish and restore juvenile and adult habitat.

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Alumni Profile: Allen Tsao MEM ’97

Name: “Allen” C.L. Tsao
Duke Degree: M.E.M. in Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment, 1997
Title/Org: Associate Toxicologist, California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Professional Bio:

“Allen” C.L. Tsao is an Associate Toxicologist for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. He provides technical review and support for contaminant issues pertaining to hazardous waste site investigation and cleanup at Department of Defense facilities in California. He is responsible for providing toxicological expertise and cleanup recommendations to the Department and other lead state agencies. He communicates Department positions and policies, and perform analyses on ecological receptors vulnerable to hazardous substances.

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Alumni Profile: Neil Matouka MEM ’15

Name: Neil Matouka
Duke Degree: M.E.M. in Environmental Economics and Policy, 2015
Title/Org: Energy Project Manager, Local Government Commission

Professional Bio:

Neil Matouka is a Project Manager at the Local Government Commission, managing Energize Fresno, a California Energy Commission-funded project working with the City of Fresno to develop an energy performance district model and funding platform that is replicable in cities across the state.

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Alumni Profile: Ben Young Landis MEM ’09

Name: Ben Young Landis
Duke Degree: M.E.M. in Environmental Economics and Policy, 2009
Title/Org: Consultant, Creative Externalities

Professional Bio:

Ben Young Landis is a science writer and creative consultant. Through the collective Creative Externalities. he designs lasting impact for science, environment, and society.

Ben received his B.A. in Evolution and Ecology and Minor in Education from UC Davis, and his Duke MEM degree concentrating in environmental economics and policy. He was awarded a AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship in 2009, working at the Orange County Register as a science journalist. Ben also received the NOAA Walter B. Jones Sr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Coastal and Marine Graduate Studies in 2010.

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